Just about all our brides need guestrooms for at least some of their guests. Even if they're not traveling from far away, it's most convenient for guests to "take the elevator home." It also stops the worry of anyone drinking and driving, of course. You want your guests to enjoy themselves and not worry about a thing on the night of your wedding, right?
The Abbey has over 330 guestrooms and we're happy to help with your guestroom needs. Below are a few guidelines you will see in your contract, should you book rooms at The Abbey:
1. We can hold up to ten rooms per night as a courtesy to you. Any unused rooms in the block would be released on your cut-off date (usually 30 days prior to your wedding) at no penalty to you. If/when you fill the original block, the hotel would make the decision on whether or not we can accept more at the discounted rate.
2. If you know you are going to need more than ten rooms, you can hold up to a maximum of thirty per night but that is going to expose you to attrition. What this means, is that when we get to the 30 day cut-off date you will need to have filled at least 80% of those rooms or you will get charged for the difference. Again, at the point this block fills we would then determine if we could accept more rooms at the discounted rate.
3. Often in the summer and early fall weeks, there are two night minimum stay requirements placed on guestrooms and those do apply to weddings, as well. If it's a concern that some of your guests will want to stay for just one night, sometimes we can get a limited number of Saturday night stays listed in the contract. That rate may or may not be elevated over the two-night stay rate. Be sure to ask about this at the time you're contracting. If your original block fills, a minimum stay requirement might also be placed on additional rooms when/if you need them.
4. We have a very limited number of suites here at The Abbey - only thirteen! - so if you want a suite, please book it as early as possible!
5. As mentioned above, there are discounted rates for weddings and wedding blocks. The discount varies greatly between seasons and even specific weekends, depending on what's going on in the hotel. These discounted rates will apply only to the rooms listed in your original contract, so make sure you consider this when blocking rooms.
6. Many people ask if guestrooms for their wedding are going to be all located in one area of the hotel and we do our best to arrange this. However, with different requests coming from the guests (bed types, handicap accessible, etc) it's sometimes difficult to accomodate this. As people are booking, they can certainly request to be near other specific people and we will do our best to make it happen for them.
Hopefully this will clear up some of the questions you have regarding guestrooms. As always, be sure to ask Hayley or I if you have any more and we'll be more than happy to help!